Sunday, April 22, 2012

Update on our Training Team Congress Season 2012

So its been a while and of course I have not been updating the Salsa Diaries. Ugh....I need to get better at this. Anyhow, I figured to get things to speak.

First I wanted to just say, this season has been the season of "cakes" lol. So its becoming a weekly tradition to celebrate someone's birthday, eat cake and dance in a circle around the person who's being celebrated. It has been eventful to say the least. I love it. We are so much more laid back and less wired about this season. Everyone gets along well (for the most part). Everyone is easy going. There are tons of talented dancers and we have been doing our best to get all the choreography, tricks, costumes, shoes and everything else needed, done in a timely manner. I am so excited about the costumes and such. My favorite one so far ;)

The girls and guys on the team are so thoughtful and quite frankly, they are amusing as well. We can't go one single practice without laughing or cracking up about something. There are so many different walks of life on this team. We have students on the team quite young still in school all the way to fathers in their 40's (not mentioning names lol). We have brothers, fathers and daughters, teachers, business owners, stay at home moms, nurses, bankers and so many different careers on the team. Its so much fun getting to know everyone.

I must say, there isn't a whole lot we can throw at this team that they can't accomplish with ease. We just have a great group of dancers. We are super fortunate in our opinion. Anyway, congress is in full swing. We practice, we sweat, we laugh, we work hard and its totally paying off. Here are a few pictures from the beginning of the season up until now.

Happy Dancing!

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