Thursday, February 24, 2011

The long delay

Ok sorry for the long delay. I haven't updated the blog in a few weeks due to the fact that I was pretty much sick in bed for a what seemed like an eternity. Now that I am back up and running to about 85%  of my regular self, I want to pick up where I left off.

Our season of the training team has been pretty good so far. We have been doing a lot of conditioning, a lot of training and technique and even had the team partnered up this week. We have had people going through rough days where they spin and hit the floor or get super dizzy learning how to spot. We have also had days where the team is vibing so well that they leave us (the coaches) feeling really positive after practice and having such a great outlook on this season. Tuesday that just passed, was pretty tough on the team because we did A LOT of spinning and turns. They left practice feeling exhausted and probably had their heads spinning later on afterward. We did a bit of spinning and drills today but mostly because we had to assign partners to everyone on the team. Its looking pretty good so far (granted they just started to practice with their partners today).

I know I haven't posted pictures recently but I will be in a few days. I have to gather photos and videos of the past weeks to update the page. Until then, just stay tuned and I will try harder to keep posted updates on how the team is going.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Week 1 of Training Team Season

We just finished our first week of practice which consisted of meetings, contracts, questions, battle plans (so to speak) and future events. Once we finished the business part of the day, we began the first of many, many spins and turn patterns. We did a little bit of stretching and warming up and got right into doing spin drills and patterns.

We had a few accidental drops to the floor but that comes without saying. Balance is definitely something that is learned along the way. We split the ladies and the guys up so we can focus on their individual type of spinning. The guys were sort of going through convulsions when I switched up their usual axle turns. It was definitely a type of moment. The guys had a bit of a hard time adjusting to the way we broke down axle turns but they eventually got it.

We spent a lot of time with the girls. Their ability to spin is of utmost importance on the team. They have to be able to spin properly as well as clean. Technique is going to be drilled in their heads all season for sure. But by the time practice was over....they survived. It is after all, only week one!  I am looking forward to seeing them blossom from being barely able to spin, to being spin masters by the end of the season. Some people get that exciting adrenaline rush performing, well Ralph and I get it when we see our teams perform. Its just a great feeling. 

Until Tuesday.......happy spinning!

Pictures and video from our first practice

spin drills
Tessa lol
some of the spin drills we do for the team to get used to multiple spins

Pictures of spin drills and patterns

Ralph leading the way through patterns
new members and returning members
smiling faces for now.....wait till later
deep in thought
vintage looking picture lol...I was playing with my camera
more drills and patterns
waiting for instructions
spins spins spins